Travis Popkave
Seattle, WA 98101
Rochester Institute of Technology
B.S. Computer Science
2006 - 2010
Rochester, NY
University of Hawaii
Studied Art
Summer 2010
Honolulu, HI
Software Development Engineer II
Winter 2010 - Present
Redmond, WA
At Microsoft I help make the Windows interface or the "shell". I made big contributions to Windows 8 by helping to make an older UI framework new again, and most notably making panning on the start screen silky smooth. I'm currently hard at work on what is to come!
Intern Software Development Engineer
Summer 2009
Redmond, WA
During my final internship at Microsoft, before being hired full time, I worked on the Media Foundation team. If it consumes or produces video or sound on Windows, it probably goes through Media Foundation!
Intern Software Development Engineer
Winter 2007 - Summer 2008
Cupertino, CA
Working for Apple was exciting and challenging. I worked on the Apple Remote Desktop team, helping to bring an older code base into the future by updating core networking code and prototyping a brand new feature.
Intern Software Development Engineer
Summer 2007
Redmond, WA
After my first year of school, Microsoft gave me my first big break. I worked on the SQL Business Intelligence team where I wrote code that helps big companies make sense of big data sets.
Summer 2006
Stony Point, NY
Between graduating high school and starting college a friend and I started a small IT company in our town. We had a number of clients and worked out of a small office in our home town.
Projects / Awards / Achievements
The Brain Power
Winter 2005 - Summer 2006
In high school a friend and I built a trivia competition website. Users answered questions and were ranked based on speed and accuracy. At its peak it had 15-20 active users!
Flying Machine
Winter 2007
I tried to build an autonomous flying robot with my co-workers at Apple. I learned a ton about electrical engineering and had a lot of fun! All with a minimal number of electrical fires.
Good Touch
Fall 2007
I lead an effort for an organization I belonged to in school to build a large multitouch display (before it was cool).
I built a flash/php tent-city designer for a military contractor. Customers could piece together large tent complexes from modules and then email the desired configuration to the company for a quote.
Rockland County Forensics League 2nd Place Impromptu
In the impromptu speaking category in forensics you are given a quote you have never heard before, then asked to speak about it coherently for five minutes in front of many people.
RoboRocks Rookie Team
The first year my high school entered this robotics competition we won the rookie team award, placing first of 17 "rookie" teams and 7th over all. I was asked to accept the award for the team.
Computer Science AP Exam
I took the Computer Science AP exam without taking the class (since my school didn't offer it). I got a 5/5.
Computer Science House Member
2006 - Present
Computer Science House is an organization of tinkerers and technology enthusiasts. (
C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Obj-C
Windows, OSX, AVR, Linux